25 March 2013

The demise of google reader

If you're a regular blog reader like me then you'll probably have heard that google reader will cease to exist as of 1st of July this year. I'm not especially sad to see the reader bit go as I use Bloglovin' instead anyway, but I will be sad to see my Google Friend Connect followers go.  I know I've only got 24, but I really appreciate each and every one! So if you would like to continue following me after 1st of July or you aren't a follower already then read on to get my take on the various options for blog following sans google reader.


This is my favourite and the main feed reader I've used pretty much since I started blogging. It's come on leaps and bounds since I first joined and they really seem to listen to what people want from a feed reader. It has great functionality as you can organise blogs into folders really easily keep track of what you have and haven't read, but what really sold it for me is that you view posts in their original (pretty) contexts with the bloglovin' banner at the top to navigate. There's also a great little phone app so you stay up to date on the move. You can find my profile here -

Follow on Bloglovin

Hello Cotton

This one seems fairly popular with a lot of craft bloggers, but I have to admit I still don't really 'get' it. It seems a great site for discovering new blogs and content, but I feel it's more aimed at discovery and the social element of blog reading as opposed to the organisational side which I feel I need, although I know a lot of people love it. You can find me here -

My page on Hellocotton


I've heard a lot about this recently as the main opponent to Bloglovin' so I though I'd check it out.  It seems more customisable than Bloglovin' and is a great organisational tool, but I wasn't particularly keen on posts being displayed within the reader as opposed to in their original location so you don't get to see any of the surrounding blog design, but I can see why a lot of people like it.

Email, Facebook and Twitter

As always you can still follow me via email if you sign up on my sidebar or you can like my facebook page or follow me on twitter to get regular updates.

Thanks for reading and apologies for the long post. I hope to see you again soon!

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